Issues Medit

1996 n.1 (March)
n.2 (June)
n.3 (September)
n.4 (December)

Medit, vol 7, n.2 (June 1996)

Medit, Vol 7, n. 2, (June 1996), pp. 1

Employing soilless culture systems in strawberry production
Margarita BENTES, Konstadinos MATTAS, Georgia PAROUSSI, Irene TZOURAMANI
Medit, Vol 7, n. 2, (June 1996), pp. 4-8

Systems of production in the Italian beef and sheep industry: prospects for extensive systems
Medit, Vol 7, n. 2, (June 1996), pp. 9-15

Scambi ortofrutticoli tra l'Italia ed i paesi dell'emisfero australe
Medit, Vol 7, n. 2, (June 1996), pp. 17-22

Expérience tunisienne en matière de développement rural intègre
Abdelkafi BEL HASSEN, Mohamed LOUHICHI
Medit, Vol 7, n. 2, (June 1996), pp. 23-29

The internal rate of return problems and manners of solution
Medit, Vol 7, n. 2, (June 1996), pp. 32-35

GATT: rallenterà lo sviluppo degli scambi agricoli
Giorgio SETTI
Medit, Vol 7, n. 2, (June 1996), pp. 45-48