La planification locale, outil de durabilité environnementa- le: le cas des zones humides méditerranéennes

La planification locale, outil de durabilité environnementa- le: le cas des zones humides méditerranéennes

New Medit, vol 16, n.1, (March 2017), pp. 62-72

Language: FR
Jel classification: Q01, Q56, O2

The implementation of international standards for sustainable development encourages countries to develop participatory planning processes at local scale. This article aims at showing how the environment is taken into account in 19 local planning documents for three Mediterranean countries namely Algeria, Lebanon and Morocco. The environment remains marginal considering the strategic axes of the local development plans. It is better represented at project level, although under a utilitarian view; this means that the environment is considered only for human needs or to correct the adverse effects of the overexploitation of natural resources on nature. This assumption is related to both the institutional segmentation of development and environment authorities and to the lack of skillful players in the field of ecology and environment.

local planning, sustainable development, environment, Mediterranean

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