La réforme de la politique agricole commune 2014-2020: une évaluation de l’influence exercée par les acteurs institutionnels dans le processus décisionnel européen
New Medit, vol 16, n.1, (March 2017), pp. 43-49
Language: FR
Jel classification: Q10, Q18, C71, C78
For the first time the Common Agricultural Policy reform was carried out under the co-decision procedure. The signing of the Lisbon Treaty established the legislative parity between the Council and the European Parliament, an important step for the European democracy. This work aims to contribute to understanding the role played by the European Parliament in the decision-making process, by comparing the results of two extensions of the NBS (Nash Bargaining Solution) model. In terms of contractual weight, the model estimates that the negotiation power expressed by the European Parliament is still far from the concept of “on an equal footing” that inspired the co-decision procedure, although this power is likely to increase with time.
actors and institutions, bargaining, CAP reform, decision-making, legislative studies