Comparison between Spanish and Italian regulations on cooperative firms: traditional or hybrid model?

Comparison between Spanish and Italian regulations on cooperative firms: traditional or hybrid model?

New Medit, vol 8, n. 2, (June 2009), pp. 37-45


Language: EN
Jel classification: Q130, L220


This paper analyses the differences between the regulations on agrarian cooperatives set up in Spain and Italy. Some of these aspects are related to the solutions proposed and used by cooperatives belonging to the hybrid model to solve problems faced by the cooperatives belonging to the traditional model. The main differences in the calculation of returns and reserves and in the fiscal aspects involved have also been analysed. Although in both countries there exist regulations referring to the hybrid model, the lack of conditions required for their implementation and the absence of professional management makes cooperatives of both countries fall within the traditional model. Several differences have been found in terms of the calculation of returns and reserves and of the fiscal aspects involved.


agrifood cooperatives, management, organisation model, Italy, Spain

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