Family farm’s features influencing socio-economic sustainability: An analysis of the agri-food sector in southeast Spain

Family farm’s features influencing socio-economic sustainability: An analysis of the agri-food sector in southeast Spain

New Medit, Vol 16, n. 1, (March 2017), pp. 50-6

Language: EN
Jel classification: Q01, Q12

Family farming multifunctionality is increasingly recognized as an element for promoting sustainable development in rural areas. Although environmental issues traditionally receive more attention, this paper focuses on the implications of farm features in relation to the socio-economic dimension. Taking the farming system in southeast Spain as reference, an analysis was done considering several indicators of socio-economic performance. The results, along with economic factors, characteristics related to innovation proactivity, increased agroecological production, education, and farm inheritance, have a positive influence on young age structure, average income, employment and multiculturalism. The study presents an evaluation of multifunctional characteristics that can be extended to other family farm sectors and analyses of their impact on the sustainability of rural areas.

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