Mise à niveau logistique, concurrence et sécurité des aliments en Méditerranée: approche théorique et enseignements économiques

Mise à niveau logistique, concurrence et sécurité des aliments en Méditerranée: approche théorique et enseignements économiques 

New Medit, vol 15, n.4, (December 2016), pp. 42-52

Language: FR
Jel classification: L11, Q18, D41

This paper analyzes the effectiveness of a support public policy established to improve producers’ logistics with the objective of food risk reduction. We show how the level of logistic infrastructure influences the producers’ behavior in a competitive context and how these behaviors determine the level of health risk on the domestic markets. We assess the effectiveness of this support public policy to reduce the risk and show that the quality of health control systems plays an important role in this field. The work suggests a reflection on the institutional logic prevailing during i) the elaboration of upgrading programs of producers and ii) the establishment of public standardization programs and control systems. These logics, often not connected, ignore the existing complementarities between the different fields of such public interventions.

food safety, public regulation, logistic upgrade, domestic market, southern Mediterranean region

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