Effets des caractéristiques démographiques et économiques des consommateurs sur la perception de la qualité des viandes en Tunisie
Mohamed Zied DHRAIEF, Meriem OUESLATI, Boubaker DHEHIBI, Fraj CHEMAK
New Medit, vol 15, n.1, (March 2016), pp. 36-41
Language: FR
Jel classification: Q13, D12
The objective of this study is to analyze the determinants of meat quality perception in Tunisia. The methodology is based on two indices: Mean Attribute Scores (MAS) and Meat Quality Index (MQI). A random sample of 504 consumers equally distributed among seven country areas has been selected. Ordered Logistic Regression technique has been used to identify the socio-demographic and economic determinants of meat quality. Empirical findings based on MAS scores indicate that the main quality attributes are: colour and controlled product specifications for the expected quality; taste and smell after cooking for the experienced quality; cholesterol-rich and protein-rich for credence quality . The estimated ordered logistic regression model shows that the level of education and the household income positively explain the meat quality index. Whereas, gender and age negatively affect the perception of meat quality.
quality indices, socioeconomic variables, meat, Tunisia