Caractéristiques du paysage et propension à acheter du vin: une expérience de choix
Danièle Aurélie Djumboung LONTSI*, Diego TOMASI, Livio CORAIN, Luigi SALMASO, Rosa ARBORETTI, Tiziano TEMPESTA, Vasco BOATTO
Published online: 8 September 2014People’s preferences and landscape evaluation in Italy: A review
Organic vs local claims: substitutes or complements for wine consumers? A marketing analysis with a discrete choice experiment
Daniel VECCHIATO, Francesco MARANGON, Stefania TROIANO, Tiziano TEMPESTA
Published online: 8 June 2016Organic vs local claims: substitutes or complements for wine consumers? A marketing analysis with a discrete choice experiment
Daniel VECCHIATO, Francesco MARANGON, Stefania TROIANO, Tiziano TEMPESTA
Published online: 8 June 2016