Price transmission and volatility along the Spanish fresh fish market chain

Price transmission and volatility along the Spanish fresh fish market chainNew Medit, vol 14, n.1, (March 2015), pp. 4-11

Language: EN
Jel classification: Q22, D40, C23

Fishermen are suffering from low product prices despite increasing fishing costs, while consumers have to pay high prices at the retail level. Supply concentration at the retail level and increased fish trade, especially for aquaculture products, could lead towards retail market power. Analyzing price transmission in supply chains is important because imperfect price transmission may be a result of market power. In this paper, price transmission and volatility in the market chain is examined for the Spanish fresh fish market using weekly prices of 10 fresh fish products in the main 3 stages of the market chain (ex-vessel, wholesale and retail) for the period 2004-2013.

price transmission, volatility, market power, market chain, fish


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