Food consumption and eating habits: a segmentation of university students from Central- South Italy

Food consumption and eating habits: a segmentation of university students from Central- South Italy

New Medit, vol 16, n.4, (December 2017), pp. 56-65

Language: EN
Jel classification: D12, Q10

This paper analyses the dietary models of a sample of Italian university students enrolled at the University of Molise and carries out a segmentation analysis. The frequency of consumption of twenty food items and variables related to individual, socio-cultural and community environments were recorded through a cross survey. Differences in food consumption were investigated according to students’ age, gender, and living conditions. The segmentation analysis provided six clusters of dietary models based on the frequency of consumption of food items, that were further described according to individual and interpersonal characteristics, and to the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid recommendations. The characterization of different dietary models may be useful to suggest ad hoc interventions aimed at improving food habits and at revitalizing the interest of young generations in their own Mediterranean cultural food heritage.

dietary models, university students, cluster analysis, Central-South Italy, cross-sectional survey

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