Analysis of consumers’ preferences for typical local cheese in Albania applying conjoint analysis 

Analysis of consumers’ preferences for typical local cheese in Albania applying conjoint analysis 

New Medit, Vol 15, n. 3, (September 2016), pp. 49-55

Language: EN

Jel codes: Q10, Q13, Q18

This study aims at analysing Albanian consumer preferences for cheese using a structured survey. We focus on preferences for local cheese by grouping consumers into homogenous classes using a conjoint choice design. Research results indicate that the area of origin is an important attribute, though the level of importance varies by consumer class. Two out of the three classes identified show a strong preference for white cheese, and prefer cheese from Gjirokaster area. The analysis provides useful information to producers and policy makers on the potential for developing local geographical indication labels, either Protected Geographical Indication or Protected Designation of Origin. Research results may be particularly promising in the case of Gjirokaster that has a good reputation for cheese production.

Consumer preferences, cheese, conjoint choice experiment, latent class analysis, Albania

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