Développement durable et amélioration du niveau de vie de la population dans le gouvernorat de Tataouine (Sud-est Tunisien)

Développement durable et amélioration du niveau de vie de la population dans le gouvernorat de Tataouine (Sud-est Tunisien)

New Medit, vol 10, n.2, (June 2011), pp. 18-24

Language: FR
Jel classification: O18, Q18

Promoting regional development and improving living conditions are considered to be a major goal for developing countries. In South-east Tunisia several integrated development programmes and actions have been undertaken to support the sustainable management of natural resources and poverty alleviation. The aim of this work is to investigate the sustainability of local development and focus on the regional disparity in the delegations of Tatouine governorate. Therefore some spatial data are combined with a number of indicators by means of a Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Moreover an outline is given of the recent sustainable development policies and strategies adopted in this region and of their impact on the standard of living of the local population.

Sustainable development, development policies, Tataouine governorate

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