Impact du Fonds National de Régulation et de Développement Agricole sur la durabilité du bovin laitier dans la wilaya de Tizi-Ouzou (Algérie)

Impact du Fonds National de Régulation et de Développement Agricole sur la durabilité du bovin laitier dans la wilaya de Tizi-Ouzou (Algérie)

New Medit, vol 9, n.3, (September 2010), pp. 22-27

Language: FR
Jel classification: Q120, Q180

In order to assess the impact of the National Agricultural Control and Development Fund (FNRDA) in Tizi-Ouzou region, 83 farms were analysed by means of a questionnaire while 10 more farms were evaluated in terms of sustainability using the IDEA method (Farm Sustainability Indicators). The typological study based on a factor analysis allowed determining four groups of farms: small-sized (an average UAA of 5.97 ha), medium-sized (an average UAA of 12 37 Ha), intermediate-sized (25.17 ha) with a high rate of land lease (10.83 ha) and large-sized (an average UAA of 45 ha with 51% of irrigated farmland). The farmers who were subsidized under the FNRDA could increase their milk production (69,88%), their cattle stock (55, 42%), their fodder production (6, 02%) and their income (45,02%).The sustainability analysis showed that the best performance is recorded on the agro-ecological and economic scales while the social and territorial dimension is still a limitation to the total sustainability. The development of dairy cattle production is very closely linked to the intensification and diversification of fodder crops which is difficult to obtain in Tizi-Ouzou region.

dairy cattle, IDEA method, impact, FNRDA, sustainability, Tizi-Ouzou

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