Competitiveness of Mediterranean countries in the olive oil market

Competitiveness of Mediterranean countries in the olive oil market

New Medit, vol 9, n.1, (March 2010), pp. 41-46

Language: EN
Jel classification: F140, Q170, Q180

This study employs constant market share analysis to determine the competitiveness of Turkey, Spain, Italy, Greece and Tunisia, i.e. the world’s primary olive oil producers, in markets in the USA, Australia, Canada, Brazil and Japan in the periods 2000-2004 and 2005-2008. The analysis shows that during the periods covered, Tunisia was the most competitive in the target markets. All countries showed decreased competitiveness during the periods analyzed.In the same period, although Greek export to target markets has increased, the competitiveness of Greece was adversely affected due to a decrease in its market share. The success in achieving sustainable and permanent international competitiveness in the olive oil market depends on production, organization and trade policies. Especially for Turkey, export strategies that consider the consumer demands and expectations in the destination markets should be developed. Finally, Turkey should introduce a new image for its national production.

constant market share, export performance, international competitiveness, olive oil

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