Governance and bioeconomy in Adriatic clam fishery (Chamelea gallina)
New Medit, vol 8, n.3, suppl. (September 2009), pp. 27-33
Language: EN
Jel classification: Q570, Q220
The research, given the growing attention to sustainable use of natural resources, helps to analyze the management instruments implemented by institutions in clam (Chamelea gallina) fishery. This species is commercially exploited with hydraulic dredges along the western coast of Adriatic sea since the 70s and that has led to a depletion of the resource, with serious consequences on the socio-economic framework of Italian fishing. Starting from the bioeconomic theoretical model, proposed by Gordon and Schaefer in 1954, we analyze through environmental and economic sustainability indicators the impact of political choices in the 90s in Marche Region.
bioeconomy, governance, Adriatic sea