Impact économique de la pomoculture pour une agriculture durable en zone de montagne

Impact économique de la pomoculture pour une agriculture durable en zone de montagne

New Medit, vol 7, n. 1, (March 2008), pp. 45-49


Language: FR
Jel classification: Q180, R580


In the twentieth century, the agricultural sector became a specialized industry.  The success of this sector not only demands a given adaptation potential and biotope but also the know-how a different type of management suitable for each farm.  The study confirms us that the literacy and educational level constitute the pillars of a production success.  This study is limited to the northern region Lebanon, since it is considered to be the first apple-growing area in Lebanon. The statistical analysis was carried out with 420 of the 1100 farmers existing according to the 2000 agricultural census by FAO.  The study describes the cost of production, the techniques applied after harvesting (sale channels, packaging, and compliance with norms) and the relationship existing between the most important quality parameters. The farm profit must ensure the farmers survival so that it is possible to encourage the parents to live their activity to their children. This research axis, divided in two phases, allowed us to clarify the state of the art of the agricultural practices, of the production techniques and of the profitability parameters in order to remedy and to assure the sector sustainability.


apple, production parameter, quality, instruction of the farmer

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