Analysis of social performance of the industrial tomatoes food chain in Algeria
New Medit, vol 13, n.1, (March 2014), pp. 60-65
Language: EN
Jel classification: Q12, M14
The social life cycle assessment approach is used to measure the social performance of companies, using the rules of international labor as a reference. Our purpose is to measure the social performance of sub-sectors of the industrial tomatoes food chain in Algeria. Among the different currents of this approach, the method of attributes was adopted. The system boundaries include a nursery, 150 farms and the biggest cannery of the country. The working conditions are clearly in favour of the cannery and the nursery. At farm level, the hard and precarious work, the absence of social protection and the impossibility to constitute or join a trade union, as well as child labour, determine low social performance. There is a mismatch between the labor time needed at each stage of production and the value assigned to each of these steps.
life cycle, tomato, employment, Algeria