Attitudes as basis for segmenting Croatian fresh fish consumers
New Medit, vol 15, n.4, (December 2016), pp. 63-71
Language: EN
Jel classification: M310, Q22
This paper identifies and describes consumer segments based on attitudes about fresh fish. The Data was collected on a sample of 1151 fresh fish consumers in Croatia. Three consumer segments were identified: Fresh Fish Lovers (49.3%), Supporters of Eating Fresh Fish (24.5%), and Occasional Consumers of Fresh Fish (26.2%). The segments differ significantly with respect to behaviour and barriers to fresh fish consumption, attitudes towards fresh fish, role of media and food industry and socio-demographic characteristics. The identification of different attitudes and barriers towards fresh fish consumption and socio-demographic features may provide an opportunity for the fish producers to develop marketing strategies that will meet demands of different consumers.
consumer segments, fresh fish, attitudes