Dynamique de recomposition sociale dans l’agriculture irriguée en Algérie : Cas d’un périmètre public d’irrigation dans la plaine de Mitidja

Dynamique de recomposition sociale dans l’agriculture irriguée en Algérie : Cas d’un périmètre public d’irrigation dans la plaine de Mitidja

New Medit, Vol 15, n. 4, (December 2016), pp.  pp. 21-32


Jel classifications: D12, D81

The restructuring of agriculture, in place since 1980, has led to a social recomposition of farms especially in irrigated areas. Such recomposition is based on different access to production resources and social opportunities. Our paper analyzes the social forms in agriculture through the case study of Mitidja plain. The type of farms allows to identify five main forms of agriculture: entrepreneurial family farming, commercial vegetable family farming, subsistance farming (the prevailing one), semi-collective agriculture on state-owned land based on fruit cropping and small-scale agriculture specialised in fruit tree cropping. This socioeconomic heterogeinity does not hide the heavy trend towards the concentration of production resources in the hands of a few farmers.