Trajectoires agricoles et dynamiques rurales en Méditerranée (France, Italie, Espagne)
New Medit, vol 12, n.4, (December 2013), pp. 3-13
Language: FR
Jel classification: O52, Q10, R58
The aim of this paper is to show that rural dynamics still explain an important part of agricultural dynamics today. Rurality is more and more complex and in order to understand agricultural development, agricultural evolution shall be placed in a spatial context where all the activities are linked. We propose an original methodology which crosses typologies of rural functions and of agricultural dynamics at Nuts 3 level of 3 Mediterranean countries (France, Italyand Spain). The results show correlations between these two typologies with six main cases, which take into account both regional and national facts and fast changes. This comparative analysis allows to gain knowledge about the agriculture/territory interface by constructing cross-country indicators.
rural development, spatial dynamics, geography, rural economics