Déterminants de l’emploi dans les industries agroalimentaires tunisiennes: une analyse intra-sectorielle sur des données de panel (1983-2008)

Déterminants de l’emploi dans les industries agroalimentaires tunisiennes: une analyse intra-sectorielle sur des données de panel (1983-2008)

New Medit, Vol 11, n. 3, (September 2012), pp. 12-21


Language: FR

Jel classifications: J24, J21, O43


In Tunisia the contribution of the agro-food sector to the national industry has relatively decreased in the period 1983-2008. Seemingly, the value added and employment level did not confirm expectations. The aim of this article is to focus on the employment determinants in the agro-food industry subdivided into nine sectors of activity. Estimates on panel data highlighted the effect of four variables i.e. the demand, the subsidy rate, the investment level and the labour cost. In contrast to the theoretical principles, the effects of labour productivity and of the value added rate are not empirically significant. The constant repeatedly found in the estimated equation suggests that other variables might exist which could not be used due to a lack of data. The results obtained indicate that production capacity should be strengthened by higher investments and that a lower increase in the wage costs compared to the production costs might be the best tool to create new jobs in the Tunisian agro-food sector.


labour productivity, labour demand, labour force size and structure, economy and institutions, sector of activity, agro-food industry

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