Technical-economic analysis of small Pelagic fishing in the Adriatic regions

Technical-economic analysis of small Pelagic fishing in the Adriatic regions

New Medit, vol 11, n.1, (March 2012), pp. 4-11

Language: EN
Jel classification: Q12, Q22

Fishing for small pelagic fish, especially anchovies (Engraulis encrasicholus) and sardines (Sardina pilchardus), accounts for a significant proportion of Italian sea fishing. Its importance in quantitative terms, however, belies its low value to its producers and highlights the need to implement appropriate measures to optimize the value of the catch right from the beginning of the supply chain. This survey will investigate anchovy and sardine fishing among the main Italian fishing fleets operating in the Adriatic Sea, and carry out a detailed business analysis of its technical and economic dynamics using accounting, management and income data. The ultimate aim is to use the obtained data to provide useful information which can help stakeholders, when preparing and developing policies and strategies, to get the best out of the product.

anchovy, sardine, strategy management, accounting

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