L’avenir de l’Organisation Commune de Marché des fruits et légumes

L’avenir de l’Organisation Commune de Marché des fruits et légumes

New Medit, Vol 10, n. 4, (December 2011), pp. 2-12


Language: FR

Jel classifications: Q13, Q18


The aim of this article was to identify the main factors that favour and limit the strengthening of producer organizations (POs) in the fruit and vegetables sector, as well as farmers’ adherence to these organizations and the future prospects with a view to the objectives set by the Common Market Organization (CMO) for 2013. The study was based on a Delphi-type questionnaire, applied in two rounds between April and July 2009. The most important results indicated the limited scope of the policies adopted under the CMO in fruit and vegetables and the weakness of the Fruit and Vegetables POs as regards the supply concentration (i.e. the volume traded through these organizations), a prerequisite to increase their bargaining power within the value chain. the single payment scheme, the operational funds and the crisis management funds will still be implemented beyond 2013 as a tool to support this sector.

agricultural policy, producer organizations, Common Market Organization, operational program, fruit and vegetables, Delphi, European Union

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