Assessment of result from quality control systems in the Sicilian winemaking industry through the use of multi-varied analysis

Assessment of result from quality control systems in the Sicilian winemaking industry through the use of multi-varied analysis


New Medit, vol 10, n.3, (September 2011), pp. 39-48

Language: EN
Jel classification: C38, L66, Q13


The agrifood sector has started to pay attention to the ISO certification This theme is important for the Sicilian wine market which is experiencing a crucial phase of market requalification and repositioning with the implementation of quality systems.The aim of this paper is to understand if the Sicilian wine industry, which has an ISO certification, takes into account the degree of satisfaction after reaching a period of application of the implementation of certification standards. With regard to this, certified businesses have been provided with a specially prepared questionaire and value judgements have been collected on the business capacity of adaptability, operational problems, etc. After collecting considerable judgements and difficult analyses we suggest implementing a “Principal Components Analysis” in order to summarize and to consider ISO quality systems in the wine businesses of our study.


wine industry, quality management system, ISO certification, principal components analysis

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