Medium-term prospects for Portuguese agriculture under health check proposals: a quantitative analysis with the CAPRI modelling system

Medium-term prospects for Portuguese agriculture under health check proposals: a quantitative analysis with the CAPRI modelling system

New Medit, vol 9, n.2, (June 2010), pp. 4-10

Language: EN
Jel classification: Q180, C150

The challenges of Common Agricultural Policy are driven by internal and external factors, such as the budgetary constraints, the budget reform, the globalization and the world financial crisis. According to this work results, CAP will continue its evolution from a sectorial to a territorial approach, with a slow re-balance of its two pillars. The Portuguese agriculture will slowly adjust itself to the disappearance of prices and markets policy and the reinforcement of rural development policy. As in the past, agriculture will accommodate the reform effects and adjust to a new framework without sudden brakes or disclosers.

Common Agricultural Policy, Health Check proposals, CAPRI model


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