Efficacité technique des exploitations en irrigué. Una approche paramétrique Versus non paramétrique
New Medit, vol 9, n.2, (June 2010), pp. 32-41
Language: FR
Jel classification: C51, C61, Q12, Q15
The economic approach to technical efficiency is increasingly taken into account by scientists in order to face two crucial issues concerning the optimal allocation of resources: saving the inputs and maximizing the productivity gains. This approach has been developed following two methods: the stochastic parametric and the nonparametric deterministic models. Each method shows its advantages and disadvantages, but their joint application allows the best result appreciation. Therefore, we applied the two methods to estimate the technical efficiency scores in the irrigated schemes of Sidi Bouzid region. The results indicate the resource use inefficiency and the close correlation of the two models. However the technical efficiency scores measured by the parametric method are clearly higher, thus confirming that it is appropriate to consider the production function to estimate the stochastic frontier. The analysis of the production partial elasticities highlights that water is a determining factor in the production technological process.
irrigated scheme, technical efficiency, DEA model, stochastic frontier