Problématique de financement de l’investissement agricole en Tunisie

Problématique de financement de l’investissement agricole en Tunisie

New Medit, vol 8, n. 3, (September 2009), pp. 28-35


Language: FR
Jel classification: H810, Q180


In Tunisia, since the mid-1980s, the funding policy for agriculture has undergone a series of reforms, aimed at mobilizing the banking system and increasing the number of farmers eligible for institutional credit. To achieve this objective it is necessary to support the disengagement of the State and a clear-cut separation between credit and assistance. However, the banking system has not become stronger in funding private investment in agriculture and this has resulted in a significant weakening of its role. Despite the incentives given, farmers are poorly integrated in the institutional funding system. The bank credit tends rather to focus on large farms that provide the necessary guarantees, whereas small farmers are increasingly excluded from any regular funding system to support their activity.


agriculture, funding policy, agricultural credit, Tunisia

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