Evolution des systèmes oasiens et comportements des exploitants agricoles. Cas des oasis littorales: sud-est tunisien
New Medit, vol 7, n. 2, (June 2008), pp. 17-22
Language: FR
Jel classification: O180, Q120
The identification of the production systems in the coastal oases in the South-East of Tunisia allowed us to study the evolution of the oasis systems and the oasis farmers’ behaviour. The strong increase in the number of farms led to fragmentation processes and to the disappearance of the oldest farmers’ traditions, on the one hand, and to the appearance of new activities such as livestock breeding and massive forage production, on the other hand. The changeover is ensured by a working population with two activities applying different production strategies. These strategies are based on the farm succession modes, on the irrigation water management and on the diversification of the agricultural activities in each oasis. This work, carried out in the framework of a research project, allowed us to study the farm evolution, the farmers behaviour and the production strategies.
coastal oases, evolution of systems, farmers behaviour, production strategies