Comment concilier développement des populations steppiques et lutte contre la désertification? Cas de la wilaya de Nâama (Algérie)

Comment concilier développement des populations steppiques et lutte contre la désertification? Cas de la wilaya de Nâama (Algérie)

New Medit, Vol 7, n. 3, (September 2008), pp. 25-31


Language: EN

Jel classifications: Q250, C420


From the beginning of the 20th century, the disequilibrium characterizing the arid and semi arid areas in Algeria has been mainly provoked by the demographic growth and the increase in its standard of living with three main consequences: deforestation, overgrazing and dry culture. Reconciling socio-economic development and environmental preservation in the difficult context of a region threatened by desertification is the objective of this study that started in the wilaya of Nâama (steppe area in south-western Algeria). The pastoral and/or agro-pastoral system in three locations (Mécheria, Nâama and Ain-Sefra) is undergoing profound changes in 1) the social organization, 2) the ecosystems and, in particular, 3) the extensive pastoral economy. It should be however noted that transhumance, that used to be widely practiced, is now disappearing. Settling down has often resulted in the conquest of lands for grazing, for the agricultural development and in the subdivision of large herds into small units which are putting the vegetation under strong pressure. Over the last two decades, these conditions became even more difficult and, in an environment being so fragile especially during drought periods, they contributed to the worsening of the socio-economic and climatic crisis.


Pastoralism, mutations, desertification, Nâama, Algeria

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