Issues New Medit

Marwa BEN BRAHIM, Mohamed Salah BACHTA

Investissements publics et croissance agricole : Quelle corrélation ? Tunisie, gouvernorat de Siliana

New Medit, vol 15, n.3, (September 2016), pp. 43-48

Language: FR
Jel classification: R53

In Tunisia development is mainly concentrated in the coastal areas. Public investment in the inland areas is limited to a strict minimum. Therefore, in this paper we shall estimate the residual growth and regress it on variables taking into account public policies, namely access to credit and basic infrastructure on the one hand, and typological variables on the other. Public investment alone does not seem to have an impact on growth. However, a group effect helps explain better the residual growth when public investment is undertaken.

dynamic, farming systems, typology, policies, investment

In Tunisia development is mainly concentrated in the coastal areas. Public investment in the inland areas is limited to a strict minimum. Therefore, in this paper we shall estimate the residual growth and regress it on variables taking into account public policies, namely access to credit and basic infrastructure on the one hand, and typological variables on the other. Public investment alone does not seem to have an impact on growth. However, a group effect helps explain better the residual growth when public investment is undertaken.

dynamique, systèmes agraires, typologie, politiques, investissement

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