Accès aux crédits bancaires et efficience technique des exploitations agricoles dans les périmètres irrigués du gouvernorat de Tataouine dans le Sud-Est tunisien
New Medit, vol 14, n.1, (March 2015), pp. 75-80
Language: FR
Jel classification: Q12, Q14
This paper highlights the impact of farmers’ access to bank loans on the improvement of their technical efficiency. To this end, a parametric approach, the stochastic frontier production, was applied to measure the level of farmers’ efficiency in the irrigated areas of Tataouine governorate in Southeast Tunisia. The analysis of the efficiency determinants indicated a positive relationship between farmers’ access to bank financing and the efficiency level. Moreover, the farmer’s age, the cropping system and the livestock activity significantly contribute to the enhancement of farmers’ technical efficiency.
technical efficiency, bank financing, stochastic frontier production