Devenir du foncier agricole au Maroc. Un cas d’accaparement des terres

Devenir du foncier agricole au Maroc.  Un cas d’accaparement des terres

New Medit, Vol. 13, n. 4, (December 2014), pp. 2-10


Language: FR

Jel classifications: Q15, Q18

Starting from 2004, the Moroccan state has decided to grant its landtenure to pri-vate players in the framework of a public-private partnership. A privatization andappropriation dynamic was launched with the involvement of national and foreign private players, an example of the land grabbing phenomenon. This dynamic fallswithin a liberal strategy of agricultural development called Green Morocco Planadopted in April 2008 whose implementation relies on the acquisition of agricul-tural land (700 000 ha) which is made available for private actors in order to de-velop agricultural projects. Its philosophy and implementation reinforce the agri-cultural dualism privileging capitalist agriculture at the expense of family farming.This study deals with the future of land tenure in Morocco in the framework of aliberal agricultural policy. Attempts are made to demonstrate that the current dy-namic of land privatization deepens its roots in the Moroccan land history with the primary role played by the pre-colonial Makhzen State first, by the French colo-nization after and by the post-independence State.


land reform, privatization, agricultural policies, tenure, indigenoustenure systems, family farmsing

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