Issues New Medit

Emiliana SILVA, Amílcar ARZUBI, Julio BERBEL

An application of data envelopment analysis (DEA) in Azores dairy farms

New Medit, vol 3, n.3, (September 2004), pp. 39-43

Language: EN
Jel classification: L660, C670

This research tries to measure the Azores dairy farms technical efficiency by applying a non-parametric efficiency analysis to a panel data of 122 dairy farms from the Azores, Portugal for 1996. The analysis used DEA with constant and variable returns to scale models, with an input-oriented model approach. Two outputs (milk production and subsidies) and three inputs (agricultural area, number of dairy cows, variable and fixed cost) were considered relevant. The results suggest that the average technical efficiency is very low (66,4%) compared with published research data and only a few (7%) dairy farms were found to be efficient.

Ce travail se propose d'efficience technique moyenne est très basse (66,4%) si comparée avec d`autres travaux sur le sujet, et seulement 7% des exploitations laitières ont été efficientes.

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