Dairy cattle, livelihoods and resilience in Gaza Strip: a case study

Dairy cattle, livelihoods and resilience in Gaza Strip: a case study

New Medit, vol 14, n.1, (March 2015), pp. 24-33

Language: EN
Jel classification: Q01, Q10

As an effect of a protracted situation of conflict, the economy in Gaza Strip has largely developed through international humanitarian assistance. Over the time, the isolation of markets, widespread unemployment, and the economic crisis have caused a serious decline in the population living standards, with a high level of food insecurity. Today, the population in Gaza Strip has dramatically increased reaching an estimated 1.65 million in an area of only 360 km2 (PCBS). The rapid increase in urban population (3.2% of yearly growth rate), land scarcity and the challenge of food security have accelerated the phenomenon of urban agriculture. In Gaza Strip, despite many constraints, agriculture and related activities are still offering the opportunity of food, income and employment for the local population. By participating in activities related to projects of international cooperation promoting the dairy cattle sector we have investigated ways of breeding cattle and proposed a reflection on the sector, highlighting the main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and constraints. We have also explored the livelihoods of dairy cattle keepers and analysed related resilience and sustainability.

dairy cattle, food security, livelihoods, resilience, sustainability


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