Patents, research & development and technological cooperation in the Spanish agri-food industry

Patents, research & development and technological cooperation in the Spanish agri-food industry

New Medit, vol 13, n.3, (September 2014), pp. 23-30

Language: EN
Jel classification: O32, L66

The aim of this study is to contribute to advancing knowledge on the current innovation processes in the Spanish agri-food industry. It specifically looks into that area of innovation which firms protect through patent registration and which arguably generates the greatest added value. A panel of 439 firms over the 1998-2008 period was used to that end, as well as econometric estimations with panel count data models. The explanatory variables are grouped into innovation assets, such as R&D activity and technological cooperation, and complementary assets such as technological, organizational, human, commercial and financial resources. The results show that both SMEs and large firms choose to register patents. Internal R&D plays a decisive role in the case of SMEs whereas large firms have a stronger relationship with external R&D. Agri-food businesses often resort to technological cooperation as well, though to a lesser extent. Human and commercial resources are further assets associated with patenting in the case of large firms.

innovation, food industry, technological resources, count panel data


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