Les inégalités de genre dans les institutions hydrauliques publiques en Algérie

Les inégalités de genre dans les institutions hydrauliques publiques en Algérie

New Medit, vol 13, n.3, (September 2014), pp. 70-80

Language: FR
Jel classification: Q25, J71, H83

This work discusses the employment of women in public institutions managing the water sector in Algeria and the causes of their under-representation in decision-making positions. Data collection analysis shows that women form only 15% of the total workforce and they are relatively better represented among middle managers but very few in higher positions (senior managers). The results of the opinion survey among a representative sample of women managers show that nearly two thirds of respondents (61%) find that men are promoted faster than women and 12% of respondents say that being a woman has reduced and decreased their chances of getting a higher position.

gender, employment, decision making, water sector, Algeria

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