Farmers characteristics as determinants of collective action: the case of Greenhouse Producers

Farmers characteristics as determinants of collective action: the case of Greenhouse Producers

New Medit, Vol 13, n. 2, (June 2014), pp. 20-27

Language: EN

Jel classifications: D23, D71, O13


The present study investigates the determinants of collective action in a strategic and fast growing sector – greenhouse vegetables in Albania – looking at the impact of individual farmers’ characteristics on their likelihood of cooperating, using a logistic regression model. A Thurnstone scale was constructed to measure the likelihood that farmers will cooperate and a composite index was designed and applied to measure the farmers’stock of social capital. Results show that social capital, human capital, leadership and the problems farmers face in terms of input supply are important determinants of collective action. The results are of both theoretical and practical importance. Theoretically, this study suggests that social capital, human capital, leadership and economic environment characteristics are important determinants of collective action in post-communist transition country agriculture.
Practically, the results can provide support to government agencies concerning three issues: (i) better targeting the potential farmers’ groups, (ii) improving preconditions for collective action through an increase in the stock of social capital to assist the farmers in their “first collective action experience”, and (iii) designing and implementing capacity building and leadership programmes.


collective action, producer organizations, greenhouse vegetables, Albania

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