Déterminants de la mobilité professionnelle des actifs agricoles en Tunisie: cas de la Région D’El Mejez

Déterminants de la mobilité professionnelle des actifs agricoles en Tunisie: cas de la Région D’El Mejez

New Medit, Vol 12, n. 3, (September 2013), pp. 48-55


Language: FR

Jel classifications: J61, R23, Q18


This paper highlights the mobility factors of agricultural workers in Tunisia through a survey of farmers in the region of El Mejez in the north of the country.The collected data were used to estimate a multinomial probit model in order to explain the determinants of the agricultural workers’ proportion employed outside the farm. The results show that the lack of work requested by the farm in comparison with the available work time and the low income generated by the latter are the main factors of mobility. These factors are closely related to the farm conditions, in particular the utilized agricultural area, the farming activity, and the type of crop management.


professional mobility, workers, Multinomial Probit Model

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