Le commerce équitable entre principes et réalisations: le cas du secteur oléicole Tunisien

New Medit, vol 12, n.1, (March 2013), pp. 13-21

Language: FR
Jel classification: Q19, Q56

Fair trade is a sustainable development initiative for the South contributing to the improvement of some social, economic and environmental values. The case study of fair trade of the olive oil sector in Mansoura (Tunisia) confronts the principles versus their implementation. To reach this objective, a quantitative and a qualitative analysis was undertaken. The study is completed by a SWOT matrix for identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, which characterize the studied experience. Results show some differences between the principles and goals of Fair Trade and their implementation. These differences have mainly an economic and a social character whereas environmental issues are widely satisfied. Based on the SWOT matrix, a set of improvement strategies are proposed in order to maximize opportunities, to restore strengths, to monitor competition and to overcome difficulties.

fair trade, olive oil sector, deviations, SWOT, improvement strategies

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