Structure et contraintes de la filière dattes en Algérie

Structure et contraintes de la filière dattes en Algérie

New Medit, vol 11, n.4, (December 2012), pp. 49-57

Language: FR
Jel classification: Q17, F14

Date industry in Algeria is faced with many challenges due to the technical and social conditions of production. Our study aims to precisely identify these constraints through an analysis of the industry structure in the region of Ouadi Righ (South of Algeria). Our empirical work was conducted through a combination of two complementary methodological approaches: a questionnaire based survey carried out on 169 farms in the region and a series of interviews with leaders of agricultural institutions and financing organizations of the sector. Results allowed us to identify the main constraints. The most important ones are: structural, which refers to the owners who do not invest much money to renew and maintain palm trees; and institutional, resulting in a lack of technical, financial and organizational support to producers.

dates, supply chain, production, export, Algeria


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