How important are cultural and environmental objectives for rice farmers in South Senegal?

How important are cultural and environmental objectives for rice farmers in South Senegal?

New Medit, vol 11, n.3, (September 2012), pp. 66-74


Language: EN
Jel classification: Q12, R31, O18


This paper explores farmer-specific cultural, social and economic objectives within the extensive rice system in the Kolda region (South of Senegal). We classify and characterize farmers according to the relative importance of their multifunctional goals. The empirical analysis uses farm-level data collected through a face-to-face questionnaire to a sample of rice farmers. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to measure farmers’primary and secondary objectives importance in planning their activities, and Cluster Analysis (CA) to classify and characterize farmers according to their priorities. Results suggest that within the “economic” role, the most important goals are “maximization of total farm income” followed by “improving rice quality”. They tend to “minimize fertilizers use”, both to reduce cost and to preserve the environment. Farmers recognize their potential role in “minimizing illegal immigration”. Results can be useful in guiding policy makers by considering farmers’ priorities at local level.


farmers’ objectives, analytical hierarchy process, rice sector, Senegal

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