Towards a comprehensive evaluation of Local Action Groups in LEADER programmes

Towards a comprehensive evaluation of Local Action Groups in LEADER programmes

New Medit, vol 10, n.1, (March 2011), pp. 43-49

Language: EN
Jel classification: Q18, R58

This paper intends to be a contribution in addressing the problems related to Rural Policy assessment. It proposes a method for the evaluation of Rural Development Programmes, allowing for a quantitative analysis of tangible and intangible outputs of the Local Action Groups (LAGs).We present some indicators accounting for the main aspects envisaged in the European Commission guidelines for the evaluation of the implementation of local plans, as utilisation of resources, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability. In particular, the latter is intended in terms of institutional sustainability and analysed through the social capital theory. In order to demonstrate how the method works, two case studies are presented. The study shows how, using several sources of data, such a quantitative method can contribute to resolve the tension between the centre need for control of what has been achieved by each group and the endogenous logic which proceeds along locally-rooted paths characterized by specific value.

rural development policy, Local Action Groups, evaluation

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