Enjeux des coopérations inter-entreprises pour la sécurité alimentaire en Méditerranée

Enjeux des coopérations inter-entreprises pour la sécurité alimentaire en Méditerranée

New Medit, vol 9, n.3, (September 2010), pp. 4-12

Language: FR
Jel classification: F140, F150, F230, M160

Food and agricultural issues have taken centre stage again in the geopolitical and strategic policies in many countries. The current regional structures seems to integrate these new geopolitical, environmental and agribusiness tradeoffs. The aim of the present work is to analyze the strategic challenges of inter-firm cooperation in the agrifood sector across the Mediterranean to strengthen the construction of a common economic and geopolitical area. These strategic challenges are illustrated based on the cooperation opportunities and partnership needs identified for  three Mediterranean agrifood chains (milk, cereals and oilseeds).

inter-firm partnership, Mediterranean, agribusiness, food safety

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