Rentabilitè de l’olivier en modes de production intensif et super-intensif dans le Haouz au Maroc

Rentabilitè de l’olivier en modes de production intensif et super-intensif dans le Haouz au Maroc

New Medit, vol 9, n.1, (March 2010), pp. 31-34

Language: FR
Jel classification: Q120, Q160

The profitability of superintensive olive production has been at the heart of the debate over the past three years. Farmers and professionals are discussing whether this system is more cost-effective than intensive olive cropping. The aim of the present study is to  address this issue through the financial assessment of two projects on olive cropping methods, intensive with 277 trees/Ha for cv. Moroccan Picholine and super-intensive with 1333 trees/Ha for cv. Arbequina, respectively. This work was conducted in the Haouz plain near Marrakesh. The results indicate that both projects are profitable with a 20.63% IRR for the superintensive and a 17.84% IRR for the intensive. The payback period on the investment is, respectively, of 8 years against 15 years for the two  production methods. This delay in the payback period for the intensively-grown olive trees is due to the fact that the cv. Morroccan Picholine comes into production later.

olive trees, intensive, super-intensive, project financial analysis, Haouz, Morocco

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